About the Regulator of Paramedicine

The College of Paramedics of Nova Scotia (CPNS) was established as a statutory body corporate (corporation) pursuant to Bill No. 123 of the 2 nd Session 62 nd General Assembly Nova Scotia 64 Elizabeth II, 2015 Government Bill, Paramedics Act, on April 1, 2017 and assumed responsibility for regulating the practice of paramedicine from Emergency Health Services Nova Scotia (EHSNS).

CPNS Mandate:

Our mandate is derived from legislation. Per Section 4 (1) of the Paramedics Act;

• serve and protect the public interest in the practice of paramedicine;

• preserve the integrity of the paramedic profession; and

• maintain public and member confidence in the ability of the profession to regulate the practice of paramedicine.

To fulfill our mandate, we:

• Are accountable to the public and government.

• Set the criteria, and the recognition process, for paramedic programming in Nova Scotia.

• Establish the essential competencies for each class of licence.

• Establish registration and licensing processes to ensure only qualified paramedics are permitted to practice.

• Establish, monitor, and enforce the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

• Promote competent practice through the development and maintenance of a continuing competence program.

• Investigate complaints and take disciplinary action related to incompetent, impaired, or unethical practice.

Use of Protected Titles & Practices:

Pursuant to Section 34 (1) of the Paramedics Act – "Except as provided in this Act and the regulations, no person, other than a paramedic, shall:

1. publicly or privately, for hire, gain or hope of reward, practise or offer to practise paramedicine; 

2. hold himself or herself out in any way to be entitled to practise paramedicine; or assume any title or description implying or designed to lead the public to believe that the person is entitled to practise paramedicine." Therefore, any individual who seeks to be known as a Paramedic in the province of Nova Scotia, must be entered into the Register with the CPNS